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Killing Cerebus Level 1 with Roland

  • Main General: Roland
    • Level 34
    • No specialties
    • 5 stars
    • ares spear and fearless ares boots, courageous dragon armor, fearless dragon leg armor, fearless dragon helmet, courageous dragon ring
    • skill books:
      • mounted troop attack l4
      • mounted troop speed l4
      • march speed l4
    • 2.8m power
  • Assistant General: Baibars
    • No specialties
    • skill books:
      • mounted troop hp against monsters l2
      • mounted troop attack against monsters l4
      • mounted troop defense against monsters l4
  • Spiritual Beast: Pegasus
    • Purple
    • Level 5
    • Marching Mounted Troop Attack 24%
    • Ground Troop HP 24%
    • Enemy Ground Troop HP -16%
    • March Size Capacity 8%
  • Monarch Gear:
    • L8 Thunder Staff
    • L8 Thunder Grail
    • L8 Thunder Decoration
  • Blazons:
    • full soul set
    • highest blazon at l5
  • Troops:
    • 770,982 t13 mounted
    • 3933 wounded